The Misconception About Inside Cats
A fairly common understanding that we hear about pet insurance for cats is that inside cats is sort of pointless. We can all appreciate the perils that an outside cat faces. Between vehicles, wildlife, and exposure, outside cats have a lot of aspects in life that could cause them harm. However, when most people think about inside cats, they can probably acknowledge the greatest peril in life is staring down the barrel of a vacuum cleaner.
When you think about an inside cat, you might be imagining a vaguely lazy or sleepy pet that only awaits their next meal. While this reputation has certainly been earned, it’s not to say that indoor cats are immune to illness or injury. While they are not exposed to the same risks as outdoor cats, indoor cats can be susceptible to illness and injury also.

Indoor cats can suffer from dental problems, intestinal distress, arthritis, diabetes, kidney dysfunction, eye health problems, and many others. While outdoor cats are more susceptible to parasites and infections, the same issues can impact indoor cats. With all of this mind, it is important to keep an eye on your cats behaviour.
Signs Your Cat May Be Sick:
- Signs your cat may be sick
- Weight loss or weight gain
- Going to the bathroom outside the litter box
- Decrease in food and/or water consumption
- Vomiting
- Irregular stool or urine

If your cat’s behaviour has experienced a sudden change, you may want to consider taking them to the veterinary clinic. It is important to note that emergency vet visits usually start at around $500 in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Without pet insurance, you’ll be on the hook for the entire bill.
Get a free quote from Pet Shield insurance. With multiple plans and deductibles available, there is probably a plan that can work with your budget.